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Top 5 best photos for Summer Break Photo Book

summer break surfing adventure photo book

1. Surfing and Sunbathing on the Beach

Summer vacation can't seem to miss this spot!
No matter going as a whole family or with colleague friends, we can’t leave without plenty of adventurous and exciting photos of ourselves on the beach and surfing! Ahem, the sexy bikini and short photos too. Is 200 photos enough for you to print?

Need some ideas to spot the best summer beach vacation in the state?

sunbathing at the beach during summer in hawaii
surfing season in bali famous beach

2. A trip at National Park

Be it the green or white sandy national park, summer is the best time with plenty of Sunlight!
It is no mistake that wedding photographer often capture photograph at national park during the summer time, when the natural light is ample.
Even at night, you could have a great deal of photograph of the brilliant stars in the sky, such as the white sands national park night photos.

a day family trip to the white sandy national park during summer break holiday

Some tips for Landscape Photography.

3. Picnic or Barbeque

Picnic or Barbeques are among the top outdoor activities during Summer according to NRPA. It’s a great time for the whole family and friends to gather together to feast and spend quality time.

Barbecues is one of the greatest way to build connection and outdoor activity that we can't do without! Surely, the photos are rather casual, but it shows the best of us with our loved ones. It worth printing too!

a group of friends having an English picnic in the meadow

4. Retro Carnival Games

The Summer break hits!
It is time to get outdoor away from school and college, and to the carnival games instead of spending time at home on the screen.
The colorful and fun atmosphere of the retro carnival games, will bring out the inner child in all of us. All the selfies and wefies will appear colorful, and make your summer break photo book appear much more vibrant and exciting!

best friends having fun in the retro carnival games
carnival games video recording with live tik tok creator
photo book with for besties with a lot of photos from the carnival games

5. Go for Baseball!

At every summer ever, baseball is a trending topic!
We're not talking about watching it at home, but really go out, team up, and score the runs!
All these photos worth to be made into a photo book, in fact it is one of popular photo book for summer break when kids are having their best holiday of the year!

a third grade kid practice in the summer break baseball camp
a third grade kid hitting the ball in the baseball game