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Quality Guaranteed

This is our commitment to you.

We believe that handmade book is always better quality than machine-made book. You can tell the difference between a book that's been crafted by hand and one that hasn't.

Each book we make is individually handmade with passion, care, and great attention to detail, every step of the way. That is our commitment to you.

Rest assured that any damage that is caused due to shipping will be covered by FlipChap under our shipping insurance coverage. FlipChap allows you to have a 7-days grace period. We want to make sure that your whole experience at FlipChap, from creating your photo album, to receiving it and flipping through your amazing memories is an enjoyable and memorable experience.

We really want you to love your new book. If you are not completely satisfied with your book, please contact us so we can find the best possible solution to make things right.

Email: admin@flipchap.com