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Photobook Editor Guide

Getting Started in the Photobook Editor. Easily drag and drop your photo into photobook editor.
Import your photos via Dropbox account or directly upload from your Mobile device via Photobook Editor QRCode.
Hundreds of designer photo collage templates with various orientation and styles for you to apply the photos into collages for each of pages inside your photobook.
Adding text or captions to photo for best describe the special moments and information.
Spine text to label your photobook for ease of recognize it.
Amazing photo filters function, you can easily transform your work into the art.

1/ Get Started

Make sure your browser is maximized to get the best possible experience.

Toolbar Overview

You can also familiarize yourself to the different tabs that will be mentioned throughout our Guide

Photos Tab

Allows you to upload photos that can also be arranged into albums. Add your photos to your project and keep track of which photos have already been used.

Layouts Tab

Choose which layout you wish to use on each page of your book and simply drag and drop a layout to apply to your selected page. Layouts are designed by the number of photos you wish to use for a particular page.

Background Tab

Get creative by using our different backgrounds for your pages. Simply select the background image you wish to use or delete/add another if you change your mind.

Sticker Tab

Get creative by using our different stickers to design your book. They can be used to create a border on your photos, as a label for your text, or to simply add a little pop to your page.

Text Tab

What better way to tell a story with your book then with text. Simply add, edit or delete the text on the pages you choose.

Filter Tab

A great tool to use if you need to filter your photos. You can change many aspects of it including blur, grayscale, sepia, brightness, contrast, hue-rotate, invert, saturate, and opacity. You can always 'Reset' your picture to its original look.

Organize Tab

Start to design on any page of your choice. This tab is also a great way to see an overview of your book.

Cover Tab

You can change the color of your material for your cover as well as your Letterpress or Custom Debossing wording.

2/ Upload your photos

For easy user experience, we recommend that you organize your photos before uploading them into the editor. This way, you can upload your photos into specific folders and this will make the design process easier.

Click 'Create Album', give your album a name and click 'Create Album'. Your new album will appear at the top of the 'Photos' section. Double click the album folder and upload those specific photos for that album. You can always go back to the main 'Photos' page by clicking the arrow at the top of the page.

Click on 'Upload Photo' to add photos to your project.

Select the photos you want to use from any file located from your computer. Once you have selected the photos, click 'Open' and your photos will be downloaded into the 'Photos' section.

Please note that the time to upload your photos depends on your personal internet connection.

Your photos have been successfully uploaded onto our servers when there is no progressing bar shown and will be displayed exactly how they are displayed from your computer file

We will inform you of how many images you have in our servers at the bottom of the 'Photo's section.

You can also sort your photos by 'Date Taken' or 'File Name' at the below the 'Upload Photo' bar.

You can delete photos and albums by clicking the 'X' icon on the top right corner but don't worry if this is done by accident as we will re-confirm with you if this is what you want. Just click 'Yes' or 'No' to confirm.

3/ Start designing your pages

Select which pages you would like to start designing from the 'Organize' section. For photo books that have a printed cover, you can design your back and front cover.

Adding Photos

Click, drag and drop the image you want on the page. If a triangle appears in the top, right corner of your photo, this means that the photo resolution is low. It will still be printed but the result will be a poor quality photo with visible pixels. If you wish to use that particular photo, you can resize it to a smaller size until the triangle is gone. Do ensure that your images are 300 DPI for the best quality pictures.

Photo Toolbar

You can resize any of your photos by dragging any of the white circles around the edges. If you wish to rotate your photo, use the circle arrow located at the top left corner above your photo. You can always reset the rotation using the 'Reset Rotation' icon in your 'Layout Object' toolbar.

If you would like one photo at the center of a page, click the 'Center Position' button that is located on the 'Layout Object' toolbar. If you want your photo in the center of both pages, make sure the 'Spread' button at the top of the Editor in clicked 'ON'.

Photo in use

Photos that have been placed in your pages will have a number displayed in a red circle at the bottom, right corner of that particular photo. This will help you to see if you have chosen the same photo twice in different pages. If you wish to make sure photos are not duplicated throughout your book, turn on the 'Hide Used' button at the top of your 'Photo's tab.

Bleeding & Safe Zone

There are two lines on every page. The Red Lines are the trim lines. To ensure that your photo or objects don't get trimmed, place them within the Blue Line.

For those who wish to have a full bleed, you can place the photo right to the edge of the pages, beyond the Red line.

For Cover

For Inlay Pages

4/ Use of Layouts

To use a layout for a page, click the 'Layouts' tab. Scroll through our choices of different layouts that are designed for the number of frames you want to place on a single page. These frames are where you will be placing your photos. Click, drag and drop the layout on the particular page.


Layouts will be different if you have the 'SPREAD' button 'ON' or 'OFF'. You are able to place a photo frame across two pages.

Spread function 'ON'

Spread function 'OFF'

Beware of the gutter area

The gutter area is as shown below and is the place where the opposing pages of your book meets. This is also known as the binding area. When the 'Spread' button is turned 'On', be cautious in placing elements into this area, such as your photos, stickers or fonts, as there can be a possibility of them getting lost in the binding or misaligned. Make sure to place your elements on separate pages or in a position where it will be suitable being in the gutter.

The gutter area is in all of our photo books, except for the Layflat photo books. To make sure that your picture will be a beautiful full spread, please choose the Layflat photo book.

Photos with layouts

Drag the photo you want in each box for the layout.

Resize Photos

To adjust the photo in the layout box, move your cursor onto the photo until you see a circle with a hand. Click on the circle and adjust the photo.

Zoom into your photo by using the 'zoom' icon located in the 'Layout Object' toolbar.

You can delete one box without the other boxes being deleted to create the specific design you want. Boxes can also be resized using the small circles around your photo. Boxes may also be rotated using the circle arrow located at the top, left corner of your photo.

5/ Background, Sticker and Text

Get creative by using our different backgrounds, stickers and texts.

Background Tab

To use a background, select the target page and click the background image you wish to add. You can always change your mind by clicking on a different background image or you can click 'NO BACKGROUND' image. You may also choose a background color by right-clicking your mouse, selecting 'Background Color' and choosing the color of your choice. You can remove a background or background color by right-clicking your mouse and selecting 'Remove Background'.

Sticker Tab

Stickers are a great and simple way to decorate your pages and we have many different categories for you to choose from. Simply click and drag the chosen sticker anywhere on the pages. You can even resize and rotate them the same way as a photo.

Text Tab

Text can be used to title particular photos or pages. To use, simply click the 'Add Text' button at the top of the 'Text Tab'. You can move the text to wherever you wish on the page. Click on the text to be able to edit the text to your liking.

Text can also be placed onto stickers. If the text is behind the sticker, click on the sticker and on the 'Sticker Object' toolbar, click 'Send to Back' to bring the text in front of the sticker.

6/ Filter your Photos

Choose the photo you wish to edit. Use the 'Filter' tab to change many aspects of the photo; including blur, grayscale, sepia, brightness, contrast, hue-rotate, invert, saturate, and opacity. You can always 'Reset' your picture to its original look.

7/ Extra Tips

If you wish to change the name of your project, simply change the name in the box where the previous name used to be.

You can always come back to continue editing your book at another time. We automatically save your projects but if you wish to leave for the time being, click on the 'Save & Close' button. You can return to your project by going back to 'My Saved Project'.

To perfectly align either a photo or a layout box, make sure the 'Auto-Snap' button at the top of your editor is turned 'ON'.

To drag any object to the other side of the page, make sure the 'Spread' button at the top of your editor is turned 'ON'.

You can 'Undo' actions you have done by clicking on the 'UNDO' button located at the top of your editor. To 'Redo' actions, click on the 'REDO' button.

If you need a reminder of the type of book you are designing, you can click the 'Total' section to view the type of book and if you have any added pages.

You can flick through your pages by using the arrows located at the bottom of the book. This will help you to preview what your book will look like.

If you change your mind on the color of your material that you want to use for your cover, fret not as you can now change it in the 'Cover' section. If you also chose the Letterpress or Custom Debossing, you may also change the title of your album in the same section.

8/ Placing your Order

You have completed your book! To continue placing your order, click the 'CHECKOUT' button, which is located at the top right corner of the editor. A prompt message will appear to confirm this action. Click 'Yes' and you will be directed to your 'Shopping Cart' page. For more information, visit 'Guide for Ordering Your Book'.

If there is a page that is empty, you will be notified on the page number to help you to go to that particular page to design.